How to overcome a Crisis of Context and Build a Brand that People Love.
In 2020 marketers have found themselves in a crisis of context: COVID has escalated partisan politics and highlighted existing social inequalities.

Tech giants have been forced to take to social media to make statements around questions of diversity, while businesses of all sizes have come under scrutiny for their hiring and firing practices. In this context, corporate responsibility, and accountability, has been transformed from a buzzword to make-or-break.

In this session CEO of Strategic Anarchy Leela Cosgrove argues that building a strong brand identity is as essential in B2B as it is in B2C. Cosgrove will argue that 2020 has spelt the death-knell of “entrepreneurial bro culture” that has celebrated image over the delivery and explain how building a brand identity people can trust will help B2B businesses of the future attract talent, grow revenue, and steer their companies into “the new normal”.